Pre-1933 Gold
Common dates will typically move in tandem with Gold prices, Rare Dates - offer both gold fluctuation and collector appeal, Ultra Rarity performance is unmatched but require a 5-10 year hold to maximize profit potential.

Rare Coins have consistently outperformed the stock market over time. The graph provides a comparison on how rare coins have outperformed the Dow Jones Industrial average over time. The 12 Piece Gold Set has outperformed the DJIA by 5 to 1 since 1970. Providing comparisons between different investment vehicles can be tricky so it's important to understand what's being compared.
Even with the advantage of dropping poor performing stocks from the DJIA index, rare U.S. Gold coins still have a far superior track record for capital appreciation and could be considered a bargain at todays levels.
Dow Jones Industrial Average: The Dow Jones Industrial Average consists of 30 companies. The 30 companies in today's DJIA are not the same as the 30 companies in 1970, though. Some companies have been dropped and others added for a variety of reasons, including poor financial performance. For example, Johns-Manville was dropped when it entered bankruptcy and Chrysler was dropped when it approached bankruptcy. As a result, the DJIA actually presents the performance of stocks in a better light because poor performing companies have been dropped from the index. Of course, the DJIA does not include stock dividends, which might be re-invested and increase the overall performance of the equities.
12 Piece Gold Set: The 12 Piece Gold Set is an industry index that is used frequently within the world of rare coins for financial evaluations. It is an index like the DJIA is an index, meaning it is designed to represent the composite performance of a given market. It consists of the 12 U.S. Gold coins that have been most commonly traded over the last 50 years. It's important to note that being commonly traded does not mean that they are the best performing coins in terms of appreciation in value. Several pieces in the 12 Piece Gold Set have not performed well over the time period presented and we may not recommend buying specific pieces at certain times. Unlike the DJIA, however, these 12 pieces are a constant over the entire time period analyzed.
Well-established third party grading companies provide data on quality and quantity of coins. It is easy to track value and prices for virtually any type of coin. Rare coins are also a very liquid investment several NASDAQ like trading networks exist as well as regularly scheduled auctions for Ultra Rarities.
Certified Rare coins offer you tremendous profit potential, a proven track record of appreciation, and an infrastructure for buying and selling that rivals the equities market. Many financial advisers agree that rare coins should be a part of a diversified portfolio.
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